$375.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Reinvent yourself and activate your quantum leap. Old ways of being won't get you new results ðŸ˜‰

An 8 week mastermind for the woman ready to birth a new identity and new outcomes in her life.

You get access to:

+ 8 weeks of close proximity mastermind coaching support
+ 8 90 minute mastermind calls that include both teaching and Q&A coaching time
+ 8 weeks of private Telegram group to receive support and ask questions 
+ homework, actionable steps and accountability so you actually APPLY and integrate this work, not just understand it 

Upon joining you'll be sent a contract via email within 1-2 business days.

Click here to pay in full

Prices will be going up very soon.
All sales are final and non-refundable.

What People Are Saying:

At the start of the mastermind I was thinking, 'where is this going to go? This isn’t the tangible that I’m used to.' But I tell you what, that mastermind absolutely changed my life. So many miracles have been happening every day. I've been dropping weight without even trying, just from doing healing and energy work the weight has just fallen off. I just feel incredible.


Reinventing myself also came with completely revamping my business. The fact that I've 3-5x my rates, totally repositioned my offers, have WAY MORE TIME every day to do what I want as a human being, *AND* made $30K in sales in like, a week LOL like... come on!
